Monday, July 29, 2013

On vacation

I'm still on vacation. While I was here, my girlfriend's dad offered to let me move the bike in to his basement. This was great news as he has just about every tool known to man, including a welder. 

This should shorten the time of my build by a couple of months! He is a very smart guy and I think he wants to get involved. If he does, this build will get even better. 

I have been giving a lot of thought as to what I want this blog to be about. It is going to be mostly about my build project, but also about other motorcycles that are inspirations for my build. Speaking of inspiration....

I'm going for a look very similar to this for my build. There are going to be differences, but this is the main idea. Modified frame. Minimalist. Dual sport tires. Maybe a riser bar and not clip-ons.

I get home on Thursday so I should be able to start on the basics this weekend. I am so excited! 

Saturday, July 27, 2013

The hunt has finished

I finally managed to find and bring home a bike, a 1974 CB550. This has been years in the making. The stars had to align to make this happen. I found a killer deal on the bike. Some people on the forums find these bikes for $300 - $400, and while I didn't get this one for that cheap, it was still attainable. This picture is from the original ad.

The guy took a deposit from me, as he was still waiting on a title to come through the South Carolina DMV. Giving him the deposit was the best move I could have made. He had over 70 hits on the bike in the three weeks that it took me to pick it up from him, and two of which were offering more money.

Lester, the guy I bought it from, obviously didn't do this for the money. Lester is a super friendly guy and he was excited to sell me my first bike. He was a huge motorcycle nut, he has owned over 2,500 motorcycles. He had so many cool stories. I could have hung out with him for a couple of hours just listening to them all.
 I'm leaving town for a week today so I won't be able to start work on the bike until next week. I am so exited to finally have a motorcycle! Here's a picture of the bike being introduced to its new home.

 This blog is going to be used to record my experiences and time spent rebuilding This bike. I have a lot of ideas for this blog and it will be taking direction soon. Blog posts should be relatively frequent.