Friday, August 23, 2013

Frame cutting.

I worked on the bike for almost 6 hours today. I cleaned the float bowls in the carbs and tried to clean up some of the engine in preparation for engine paint. Here is a before and after carb dip cleaning picture.

You can see the dirty carbs in the foreground and the ones that have been dipped are behind them, waiting for the new internals.
I did a couple of other house keeping items on the bike. The most noticeable thing I did today was start on the frame modification. 

I used a hack saw to take off the rear section that was no longer needed for the new seat. After cutting the rear section off I started on de-tabbing the frame to help give the frame a cleaner look and get rid of excess metal. 

Jorge also had a hand in helping with the frame de-tabbing.

I put the seat on the bike just to see what it would look like. I am really happy with the direction things are going.

The seat is from Dime City Cycles. I have to say, I'm impressed with the quality. For a seat that cost 200 dollars it should be nice, but the quality is top notch, also much more comfortable than it looks. This is everything that I accomplished today. Tomorrow I will hopefully weld on the new tail loop and fab some brackets for the seat. 

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