Monday, September 23, 2013

Fuel tank

So I started messing with the fuel tank yesterday. The original plan was to do a raw finish. After looking around I decided that a raw look has been done too many times. Last night I sanded the tank with a sanding block to get an idea if what I was going to need to fill in preparation for a new paint job. 

For its age this tank is great shape, but in order to paint it the right way it's going to be a lot of work. I'm not above doing that work, that's not the issue.

 As soon as I got through the paint on the tank and saw the bare steel I though "wow this looks cool." I am now seriously reconsidering the raw finish and more likely than not, it's probably what I'm going to go with. The reason is the look you get, with so little work (relatively). I think the small dents will be unnoticeable when the tank is raw and the dents that are visible will give the bike some character. The biggest issue is the clear coat, there are probably a hudred ways to do the job. I have been doing tons of reading on this, picking up where I left off when I was iniatially thinking about the raw finish. I have come up with a couple of ways to accomplish the look I want. I will be prepping the rest of the tank as soon as I get time, probably in the next week or two.  

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