Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Soda blasting the motor

I prepped the motor and started soda blasting the other day. 

I used about 8-10 pounds of soda. I think il need about 15-20 pounds more for the motor, good thing it's cheap! It made short work of most of the rust and oxidation on the outside of the motor. I took a bunch of pictures of the motor before I started. The engine isn't completely done so I don't want to show those yet. I did take a couple of shots that give you the basic idea of how awesome soda blasting is.

The left side of the cover is after one pass with the blaster. The right side is untouched.
A bit harder to tell in this picture, but the right set of fins got a couple of passes with the blaster while the left side was left untouched. I ended up hitting the fins a bit more and they now look better. Il have the motor finished in the next week or so. 

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